Please note: on the LAST SUNDAY of every month, we are meeting house-to-house.

What should I expect for the Sunday Gathering?

This is a great question and one we'd like to answer as best we can. 

For starters, at Jubilee caring means if you are feeling sick, we encourage you join us on Livestream.

Jubilee meets at Maple Ridge Secondary School, so you can park in the west side lot (follow the signs) or along the street if there's room. We enter off the east side entrance - this is the tennis court/track side of the school. There will be signs and people to welcome you to our gathering.  

We begin the gathering at 10am so you'll want to come a few minutes before that, especially if you have children. You'll see our Jubilee Kids table as you come in, and our friendly kids people will help you register children and tell you about our classes. But keep your kids with you, for now. 

You'll find we dress casual to semi casual. Lots of jeans, tshirts and hoodies along with some collared shirts and skirts. If you wear your tie and jacket or your prom dress you'll definitely be feeling overdressed. 

We start our gathering with worship in singing all together. Kids, parents, old people, teens, and everyone in between. We choose to worship together because we believe this is an important part of the Church being generations learning and growing side by side.

We're pretty demonstrative about our love for God, so you might see people lifting their hands or even kneeling down during this time. We even have a few people who love to respond to God in dance. The goal isn't distraction but response to a Living God who loves us with an everlasting love. Jubilee is all about freedom to worship God in gratitude for all He's done for us.  

After a few songs, we'll take our offering. This is a time for regular attenders to give in response to all that God has done in our lives. If you're a guest, feel free to let the basket go by. This money given is used to support the mission and values of our church community. We love to give! 

Then the host will pray for and release the children to go to their classes. Parents will need to accompany them upstairs to sign them in and then come back while the rest of us continue in music worship. 

Following kids release, one of us comes up to do Prayers of the People. This is a time when we all join our hearts to pray for community needs, our city and our nation. There are a lot of things we could pray for, so people are encouraged to write prayer requests in our Prayers of the People book before the gathering begins. 

Then someone preaches. We've heard at other places this can be boring, but we'll tell you straight up we've never laughed harder or been moved to tears more than during this time. Hearts that are awake tend to do this. Our pastor Jonathan loves to bring God's Word to life and connect it to exactly what we're going through. We preach from the Bible and are usually working through some verses from a book of the Bible or celebrating special days or holidays. Every few Sundays, we have other community members or guest preachers share with us. 

The sermon is followed by response. This is a time for us to continue our worship through reflection and self examination. We serve communion every Sunday and people have individual communion elements. We have an open table, which means that if you are a Christian, then we invite you to participate. 

At the same time, we have a few prayer teams around the room. We believe that one of the important things we do in our gatherings is to pray for one another. So if you'd like prayer, we have people who want to and are available to pray with you.   

After a couple songs of response, someone (usually our pastor) will pronounce a benediction and release us around 11:30. 

On the last Sunday of every month, we have a Simple Sunday. We don’t set up as much stuff. We use songbooks and take time for discussion. We also bring lunch to share and eat together. We find this a good reminder that Church is not the decorations or lights but us.

We gather to know Jesus more deeply, to be encouraged through His Presence, the Word, and the company of believers. Then we scatter to be Jubilee in the neighbourhoods, jobs, and schools where God has called us to be an influence. We are Jubilee.  

Jubilee Gathers Sundays at 10am.
Meeting at Maple Ridge Secondary School
(east side entrance, off the tennis court/track side)